Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Me and Toby Keith ...

Okay, not really. But I'm trying to consolidate a lot of junk that's on my website onto this blog (I rarely update the website; it's such a pain with the FTP'ing and the, um, fact that the site is on the old, icky PC and not the shiny new Mac.) So I'm moving the links to some old interviews with me.

Thus, Toby. Or, as we say here, Chenchen's favorite song: Wanna Talk About Me:

Here's an old one from 2000, right after my first books came out! I didn't re-read it. Odds are good I sound dweebish!


Ah, here's another early one from The Romance Reader.

Here's the bio from eHarlequin.com ... but don't send me mail at that addie. It's wrong! (I'm sending them a note!)

And, as if that weren't enough excitement for you, here is the last one I'm copying over from my website, from A Romance Review

Now, of course, I do sometimes fall prey to the evil that is "googling your own name," so I'll add more fascinatingly ego-centric tidbits as time goes by ...

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